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juan luna造句

  • The street ends at Juan Luna Street near Puregold Tayuman supermarket.
  • Like fellow artist Juan Luna, Felix Resurrecion Hidalgo sought international acclaim.
  • The commission was led by Pedro Roxas and Juan Luna.
  • Antonio Luna is the younger brother of Juan Luna.
  • The artist Juan Luna is credited with this design.
  • His brother, Lorenzo, became a painter and a teacher of Juan Luna.
  • Juan Luna said his stepfather Tereso Ortiz is a cousin of Caldera's mother.
  • Juan Luna said his stepfather Tereso Ortiz is a cousin of Vincent Caldera's mother.
  • Marcos Luna " doesn't associate " with Caldera, Juan Luna said.
  • He was the younger brother of Lorenzo Guerrero, the painter and mentor to Juan Luna.
  • It's difficult to see juan luna in a sentence. 用juan luna造句挺难的
  • Indirectly, the choice of Luna is also a way to pay homage to Juan Luna.
  • In 1877 Manuel and Juan Luna traveled to Europe, where Manuel studied music and Juan painting.
  • Instead, Juan Luna said his brother is a member of a rival gang known as El Puente.
  • Police arrived at the Luna residence about 9 p . m . Friday night, Juan Luna said.
  • Police superintendent Juan Luna of the Aviation Security Command said the shipment had no import or police permits.
  • Philippine revolution personalities such as Jose Rizal, Juan Luna and Antonio Luna were known to be fencers.
  • Juan Luna and two stepbrothers were also at the house at the time of the shooting, they said.
  • Juan Luna said he has never been in a gang, but his brother is an active gang member.
  • Juan Luna said, noting that residents hear gunshots " all the time " in the neighborhood.
  • Exhibit director Juan Luna declined Wednesday to estimate how many Goyas exist, saying the number is continually revised.
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